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Parkside Plants

Philodendron Ring of Fire 4.5" Pot

Philodendron Ring of Fire 4.5" Pot

Regular price $32.50 USD
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Ring of Fire - a hybrid between philodendrons wendlandii and tortum - has some seriously variegated leaves with serrated edges which look more and more like teeth as the plant matures. Unlike many other variegated plants, ROF is fairly stable, with most of its foliage being speckled or having vast patches of lighter color.

Seemingly intimidating because of its popularity, the ROF can be a great beginner plant: it only needs light and water from you and barely any special treatment. Although it can tolerate dry soil (mine gets neglected all the time) I would recommend regular watering once top 2 inches of soil are dry. Avoid overwatering, just as a rule of thumb to save your plant troubles of root rot.

Higher humidity is appreciated, but it will grow happily in ambient house conditions just as well. This is also a great plant to practice with a moss pole: ROF starts small but loves to climb, giving the roots something to hold on to will propel faster (and bigger!) new growth.

Origin: Cultivar

Family: Araceae

Growth: Climbing

Light: Bright Indirect

Watering: When top 2" of soil dries out

Humidity: Ambient (50%)

Recommended Soil: 'CHONKY' Aroid Potting Mix, 'SOIL-LESS' Aroid Potting Mix


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